Support Your Favorite Performers

Unlock the magic of live theatre with unique digital collectibles. Build your collection to earn rewards and access real-world experiences while supporting the creators who make it all possible.

Unlock the magic of live theatre with unique digital collectibles while supporting the creators who make it all possible. Start your collection for FREE to earn rewards and get early access to limited edition digital merchandise and unique experiences.

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Featured Collectibles

Featured Collectibles

The BWAYX Catalog of Digital Collectibles. Support your favorite artists and earn rewards and exclusive access to real world events. Start your collection today.

A Collector Experience Built for Theatre Fans

The Broadway Exchange was created by theater lovers for theater lovers. We are building a community of fans who want a fun and secure way to own a piece of their favorite shows, build deeper connections with the artists they love, and support the creators who make it all happen. Together we can create a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future for live theatre.

90% of Profits to our Partner Theater Productions

We’re committed to building a more sustainable financial model for live theatre, where everyone benefits.

Officially Licensed Collectibles

BWAYX collectibles are officially licensed and created in collaboration with the production.

3% to Non-Profit Partners

We’re committed to positively impacting our theatre community and happily share 3% of our gross sales with our partners including Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

Environmentally Friendly

BWAYX Digital Collectibles are minted on an environmentally friendly blockchain and have a lifetime carbon footprint that’s smaller than a single Instagram post or Google search.

Collect Securely

All transactions on BWAYX are managed through our blockchain wallet partner Gigantik and processed by Stripe – the simplest and most secure way to pay on the internet. Stripe makes it easy and safe to purchase collectibles with a credit card in multiple currencies or using popular payment services like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Link by Stripe. If you've ever purchased anything on the internet, you've likely used Stripe, which means that building your collection is just a few clicks away.

Shield a checkmark. The Broadway Exchange has partnered with Dapper Wallet to offer best in class security and user experience to build your collection on the Flow blockchain.

Collect Sustainably

As an official partner of the Broadway Green Alliance, BWAYX is committed to being a responsible steward of the environment.

We know there are real concerns about the sustainability of blockchain technology and digital collectibles. We share those concerns. So, we partnered with Flow, one of the most environmentally friendly blockchains in the world, so that each of our collectibles have a lifetime carbon footprint that is smaller than a single Instagram post or Google search.

Broadway Green Alliance logo. The Broadway Exchange is an official partner of the Broadway Green Alliance in suport of its mission to bring sustainable practices to all live theatre.
Broadway Green Alliance logo. The Broadway Exchange is an official partner of the Broadway Green Alliance in suport of its mission to bring sustainable practices to all live theatre.
Broadway Green Alliance logo. The Broadway Exchange is an official partner of the Broadway Green Alliance in suport of its mission to bring sustainable practices to all live theatre.
Broadway Green Alliance logo. The Broadway Exchange is an official partner of the Broadway Green Alliance in suport of its mission to bring sustainable practices to all live theatre.

Connect With Other Theatre Fans

Signing up for The Broadway Exchanges gets you exclusive rewards, unique experiences, and early access to new collectibles. And the best part...Signing up is Free!

Chat Box Illustration. Sign Up for BWAYX to connect with your fellow theatre fans.
Chat Box Illustration. Sign Up for BWAYX to connect with your fellow theatre fans.
Chat Box Illustration. Sign Up for BWAYX to connect with your fellow theatre fans.
Chat Box Illustration. Sign Up for BWAYX to connect with your fellow theatre fans.

Start Your BWAYX Collection on Flow Today

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Start Your BWAYX Collection on Flow Today

Explore BWAYX

Start Your BWAYX Collection on Flow Today

Explore BWAYX